An Adults/Childrens Prayer

Try slowing your breath, praying this, and pausing to be still in the presence of God.   I breathe in,                                                Hā ki roto, I breathe out.                                                   Hā ki waho. Quietly, I draw close to God                                     Mārire ana taku whakapiri ki te Atua I know who I am,                   …

Sermon on the Mount – From murder to Reconciliation

What are street lights for ?    M att 5:21-26.  This is the 1st of 6 examples Jesus uses to unpack what the Jesus way is like.  if you want to get some context, look at the first murder story (Cain and Abel) in Gen 4. MURDER What does God say is lurking at the door ? Each example says “You have heard is said”… and but I say to you. Jesus starts with murder, but quickly moves to what is inside.  When were you last angry ? What did you do ? Have you ever experienced road rage ? ANGER Jesus moves on to give three examples : You are angry with someone, You insult someone, or you call…

The Lords Prayer (Bec’s verion

Perfect Parent Who dwells beyond our realm You are Holy Help us make our world Like your world Our way …. Like your way Provide for us Extend your grace to us And teach us how to extend it to others Be gentle with our weaknesses and protect us from the wrong in this world. We look to you To be in charge  To be awesome Always Amen


Flourishing are the peacemakers because they will be called the children of God. Flourishing are the ones persecuted on account of righteousness because the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Flourishing are you whenever people revile and slander and speak all kinds of evil things against you on account of me. Rejoice and be glad because your reward is great in heaven. In this same way people slandered the prophets who came before you. Peacemaking : What do you think it is to be a peacemaker ?  Heres a list of things that peace making is not Being nice, tolerance, softpeddling, bullying,  What would you add to this list ? Peace is linked tightly to justice and rightness. It’s personal, internal,…


Flourishing are the ones hungering and thirsting for righteousness  because they will be satisfied. Flourishing are the merciful  because they will be given mercy. Flourishing are the pure in heart  because they will see God. Matthew 5: 5-8 Jesus doesn’t say “Flourishing are the righteous”, but those who are hungry and thirsty for righteousness/Justice.  What’s the difference ? What is your reaction ot Viktor Frankel’s Saints, Zombies, and the rest picture ? Where are you ? Read Proverbs 4:18. Is this the language of road/path ? What areas are you hungry to see made right ? List some. How do you feel when you can’t see it happening ? How will it feel to be satisfied ?  (Will it have…

Plow : The first 3 beattitudes

There are three triplets that start the sermon on the mount.  Instead of speaking to the rich and powerful, at the temple or governor’s palace. Jesus speaks the crowd of people who have followed him. Flourishing are the poor in spirit because the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Flourishing are the mourners because they will be comforted. Flourishing are the humble because they will inherit the world, Pennington Is this upside down ? What would it be like to be poor, and hear this ? Does Jesus live this out ? (read Philippians 2:5-10) If Jesus’ talk is revolutionary – what is the difference in this kind of revolution ?  As an experiment : Try writing the opposite of the…

The Good Life

Did you/do you ever look at other people and think they are   living the good life? If so, what was it, what is it ? There are four themes highlighted in this message Changes (Change is coming) Matthew links Jesus with the life of Moses. Can you remember any of the links ?  (Hint answers on our webpage notes) Matthew also quotes Isaiah promising a change coming ? What were changes ? (Matt 4:14-16). Jesus then asks people to change because the kingdom of heaven has come near. How does he ask them to change ? Are you open to the possibility that you might change during this series ? Foundations (build your life well) Got any foundation stories…

Are you Sure ?

ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT ? Can you remember times when you found yourself thinking “Are you sure about that”. Times you are glad you did ? Times you wish it hadn’t stopped you? (i.e.have you bungy jumped, fallen for a scam etc) Buechner says “Whether your faith is that there is a God or that there is not a God, if you don’t have any doubts, you are either kidding yourself or asleep. Doubts are the ants in the pants of faith. They keep it awake and moving. Doubt is the ants in the pants of faith.” What is he trying to say ? Do you agree ? The story of Thomas and the resurrected Jesus starts in John…

It is finished

24th march “It is finished”  “Kua oti.” 29 A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. 30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.     John 19:29–30 (NIV) Pete’s Ponderings: The bland back and white checks on one side of the door show that the games are finally coming to an end. Colin’s chewings : So much happens in this moment. In Māori there are two words for finishing, “Mutu” which means finished (this bit) and might ahve to come back to it and…


17th March, ‘I am thirsty.’ ” “He matewai tōku.”  28 Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” 29 A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. John 19:28–29 (NIV) Pete’s ponderings : Pete’s ponderings : This door is parched and dry, coming off at the hinges and and not square in it’s frame. “I thirst” is written in coffee- the second largest commodity traded in the world. It’s written faintly, as if spoken in a parched voice. Even though the tap is open, there’s not a drop…