Category: Sermon Notes
17th May 2020 – Combined Hope Service
Hope Sunday @ Parklands Baptist Community Church and Windsor Community Church are joining with World Vision and Nathan King
03 May Parklands@Home service
Gidday and welcome to Parklands This time the video of the service comes as one video. We met before the service for a hot drink on Zoom (each in our own houses/bubbles) and at the end of the video we broke up into Zoom groups to further catch up and to offer the chance for people to pray together. Some links to songs you might want to sing along to. This weeks Daily Reading from Exodus God provides Week 3 Exodus 16:1-26 Monday 4th May Exodus 15:22–27 Tuesday 5th May Exodus 16:1–36 Wednesday 6th May Exodus 17:1–7 Thursday 7th May Exodus 17:8–16 Friday 8th May Exodus 18:1–12 Saturday 9th May Exodus 18:13–27 Small…
Sunday 19th April Service
An Intro Kim leads us in Prayer Morgan leads family time Phil and Isaac have an all age Exodus related song for us A message/reflection from Exodus 3 from Colin Click here for notes and discussion questions for the message This weeks reading Schedule 1st week scheme for Exodus Hearing God’s Call Week 1 Exodus 3:1-17 Monday 20th April 1:1–22 Tuesday 21st April 2:1–25 Wednesday 22rd April 3:1 – 4:17 Thursday 23th April 4:18–31 Friday 24th April 5:1–21 Saturday 25th April 5:22 – 7:7 Here are some Bubble discussion notes Week 1 : Responding to God’s CallSome prompts for small group/Bubble discussion after reading Exodus 3:1-17 together. 1 ) Curiosity – Moses has this encounter because he first notices and then is…
Wednesday Devotion – Gary Taylor
A 5 minute devotion from Gary Taylor
Easter Sunday 2020
In Christ Alone (Sing along ) Kyran leads us in Prayer
Easter Friday 2020
Click on the Red Heading (or the crosses) and this will take you to a page of links to material for an Easter Friday service
Some Great Kids material