Intermediates Youth Group
We are IMPACT Parklands. We are an Intermediate aged-based youth programme for all year 7 & 8’s. Each Friday we get together and have fun by playing games and going places for events.
We like to explore topics that benefit youth especially around school and behaviour. The Leaders are all great people who are unashamedly Christian and we share about our stories at the end of night as we come to a close.
At the end some nights we take 5-10 minutes to share about some key principles and values in life and faith. As the world is ever changing, especially at this precious age, sharing stories about finding identity and not being overwhelmed by the stresses of the world are some important conversations we love to have. Other topics that we talk about for example are; Bullying, Addiction to Media, Importance of Friends, Caring about Others.
When: Each Friday during the school term: 7pm-8.30pm.
To Get in contact or Find out more
Email Jasper at intermediates@parklands.org.nz
On Sunday mornings during church, we also run a small group during the sermon where we look into how to live a positive life with Christian beliefs and we elaborate on the basics of a young persons faith.
When: Sunday Mornings, 10:30-11.45am.
Awesome Leaders
Amped Camp 2018