Kia Ora – Welcome

Kia ora, Ngā mihi. Somehow you’ve ended up on the Parklands Baptist Community Church’s website. We gather for Sunday Services at 10:30am at 180 Queenspark Drive.  We’d love for you to check us out. If you can’t make it we live stream our service on facebook on a Parklands Baptist Community Church site. Never as good as being there,  Like anyone who follows Jesus we’re keen to make this world a better place to live in. We run a series of other events, employ some part time youth workers in schools, a part time community worker and are keen to partner with others to make North East Christchurch a great place to live.  Check out the Connect and Community tags…

A moments Prayer

Moments We have moments of strength, and moments of weakness, moments of jubilation, moments of dread, moments of trust, moments of scepticism, moment of peace, moments of stress, moments of loathing, and moments of love. Help us with the difficult ones, we pray. And please help us to appreciate  the good moments, save us from rushing on. (by Dave Hopwood) 

Writing a Prayer of Lament

  In the 150 biblical songs found in the book of Psalms, there are fifty-eight laments. Forty-two are psalms of individual lament, and sixteen are written on behalf of a community or nation. Each lament appeals to God for mercy and assumes a measure of confidence of God’s character and God’s intimate interest in our welfare. Take a look at the psalms or find a passage of scripture from your own tradition that speaks to the pain of loss and the comfort of God.  Writing your own prayer of lament can allow you to put into words all the feelings that you have about your loved one’s death or about a national or global crisis in which many lives are…

An Adults/Childrens Prayer

Try slowing your breath, praying this, and pausing to be still in the presence of God.   I breathe in,                                                Hā ki roto, I breathe out.                                                   Hā ki waho. Quietly, I draw close to God                                     Mārire ana taku whakapiri ki te Atua I know who I am,                   …

A closing Prayer

A CLOSING PRAYER May today there be peace within. May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of you. —St. Teresa of Avila

Sermon on the Mount – From murder to Reconciliation

What are street lights for ?    M att 5:21-26.  This is the 1st of 6 examples Jesus uses to unpack what the Jesus way is like.  if you want to get some context, look at the first murder story (Cain and Abel) in Gen 4. MURDER What does God say is lurking at the door ? Each example says “You have heard is said”… and but I say to you. Jesus starts with murder, but quickly moves to what is inside.  When were you last angry ? What did you do ? Have you ever experienced road rage ? ANGER Jesus moves on to give three examples : You are angry with someone, You insult someone, or you call…

An Autumn prayer -for people in places of transition

Dear Lord, I’m thankful for the changes in my life. I’m thankful for the new and different things I experience. I know Dear God, this is our lives changing all around us, and thank you that we are allowed to have these experiences. May I become more aware of the ways that it changes me and what impact it has on my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The Lords Prayer (Bec’s verion

Perfect Parent Who dwells beyond our realm You are Holy Help us make our world Like your world Our way …. Like your way Provide for us Extend your grace to us And teach us how to extend it to others Be gentle with our weaknesses and protect us from the wrong in this world. We look to you To be in charge  To be awesome Always Amen

A prayer for when you don’t even know what you want

A prayer for when you don’t even know what you want  Settle down into the silence. Close your eyes. Inhale. Speak the name of God that rises to your lips: Jesus, Mother, Abba, Yahweh, Father, God, Spirit, simply let it be what it is. Exhale. Imagine God calling you by your name. And hear God say to you, as Jesus said to the blind man who called out to him, What do you want me to do for you? Inhale. Exhale. And answer honestly.   By Sarah Bessey

Prayer for Vision and courage.

May I have vision and courage to join God in the places He’s already working rather than feel responsible for bringing Him with me. (Justin McRoberts and Scott Erickson – Prayer : forty days of Practice)


Flourishing are the peacemakers because they will be called the children of God. Flourishing are the ones persecuted on account of righteousness because the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Flourishing are you whenever people revile and slander and speak all kinds of evil things against you on account of me. Rejoice and be glad because your reward is great in heaven. In this same way people slandered the prophets who came before you. Peacemaking : What do you think it is to be a peacemaker ?  Heres a list of things that peace making is not Being nice, tolerance, softpeddling, bullying,  What would you add to this list ? Peace is linked tightly to justice and rightness. It’s personal, internal,…