Faith and Belief in New Zealand

The Wilberforce foundation has just published a report exploring Faith and Belief in New Zealand. It’s a survey of about a 1000 kiwis and some focus groups. It’s a fascinating read.

What we got up on Easter Sunday

This Easter we rolled up our sleeves and got our hands dirty painting and building and baking and reflecting on Jesus’s death and resurrection.

Reading the Bible

The best way to read the Bible is slowly. Make time. Don’t dash it down like a fast food meal. Savour it. There are some books that are great at helping you make sense of it. How to read the Bible Book by book is a classic text that can really help Want to read the bible in one year ? Holy Trinity Brompton have created an app that gives you readings and some commentary, you can read them, or have them read to you. You can also have a daily email sent to you if the app doesnt suit. You’ll find it here The Bible Project is producing wonderful videos and posters that help you make sense of the…

An Alphabetical Prayer

Written by the community at Parklands last Sunday and incorporated into our worship You are a God Who … Is an amazing, accepting, awesome, affirming, adoring, Abba Father. Blesses us in bold ways, bring us home and gave us the beatitudes. Is caring, cuddly, cares for His children, community, church, city, cars and cats. He is Christ and He celebrates Christmas and loves carols and card. He also can eat cookies and ice-cream constantly, courageously and can concourse the whole container. Is caring and cool Christ. Is a divinely devoted Dad who deliberately died for us and delivered us into a dynamic destiny. Is exciting and exuberant in extending grace, eagerly encouraging, exhaustive in your excellence, engages with us in…


ADVENT SERVICE ‘WONDERFUL COUNSELLOR’ Message by Lester Isaiah 9.1 -7, Matt 4.12-17. WHAT AM I GOING TO SAY: How Jesus came to a dark of place. HOW AM I GOING TO SAY IT: 1. Historical Context 2. Look at what Isaiah means by ‘Light & Darkness’ 3. Read Isaiah 9.1-7. 4. Look at the names ‘Wonderful & Counsellor’ 5. Look at the strange events around this child! 6. Read Mathew 4.12 – 17 7. Talk about 4a Brentwood St. HISTORICAL CONTEXT In the year 735 BC, the King of Assyria (at this stage occupying most of modern Iraq & Syria) was marching his army westward towards what is now Turkey, that same year the Northern tribes of Israel, already under…

Parihaka’s story

Part of Colin’s message touched on a visit to Parihaka. A comment made by many who visited was “How come we didn’t know this”? The following are some resources that might help link so that if you are interested in learning of some of the parihaka story, this might get you started. New Zealand Geographic Article “Why Wasn’t I told” A Stream of the documentary “the Prophets” from Maori TV. The Taranaki prophets Te Whiti and Tohu influenced the philosophy of Gandhi, with their brand of passive resistance. An Article from Te Ara about Te Whiti and Tohu Happy reading/Watching

The Bible

We’re pretty committed to reading the bible. God can and does speak through this. It can be a bit confusing at times too, so many different styles of writing and written over such a long time period. The bible project has put up a series of videos that are short and informative and have a bit of rigour. Here’s the first one. And click on this to see all their contributions. The bible project

Simple September – Soup

Click here for the Podcast for this message  Wisdom . .  . has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table. PROVERBS 9: 1-2 “When you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed because they cannot repay you.” LUKE 14:13-14 The distinctive quality of Christian hospitality is that it offers a generous welcome to the “least,” without concern for advantage vantage or benefit to the host. Discuss : Do we only invite people over when we have something to gain? What does it look like not to do this? The best place to tell a story is at a table – Len Sweet  Discuss : Do…